Diets Haven’t Improved Much Worldwide; U.S. Near Bottom of List

MONDAY, Sept. 19, 2022 (HealthDay News) — Despite everything people have learned about good nutrition, folks around the world aren’t eating much healthier than they were three decades ago, a new global review has concluded. Diets are still closer to a poor score of zero — with loads of sugar and processed meats […]
The 4-7-8 Breathing Technique May Help You Get to Sleep

Sept. 19, 2022 — If you’re too stressed to sleep, taking time to practice a breathing regimen with ancient roots could help you find your way to slumberland. The 4-7-8 breathing technique was popularized by Andrew Weil, MD, founder of the Andrew Weil center for Integrative Medicine at the University of Arizona, but it is […]
Have Long COVID? Here’s Where to Go for Care

Sept. 20, 2022 – Patients who navigate what can feel like an endless series of checkups and lab tests to confirm a long COVID diagnosis face an even harder path ahead: Figuring out where to go for care. Treatment options are as complex and varied as the symptoms that come with this condition, experts say. […]
Immune System Early Warnings Inspire New Remedies

Sept. 20, 2022 – The immune system is among the most complex and mysterious in the human body, and it is more versatile than previously understood, report researchers in the emerging field of mechanoimmunology, tracking how our bodies fight illness and how to successfully intervene. Unlike other systems that rely on organs to operate, the […]
Does Skin Tone Affect Skin Care?

Our skin performs many roles. It helps manage body temperature, keeps out bacteria and other bugs, and is key to our sense of touch. Skin unites us all in these common functions, but our skin also varies in ways that show up cosmetically. Your skin tone can affect how soon you’ll develop wrinkles and sunspots. […]
What ‘The Bachelor’ May Tell Us About Our Own Relationships

Sept. 20, 2022 – On Monday nights, while millions of viewers are marveling at the whirlwind romance of “Bachelor” couples and their extravagant dates, glamorous dresses, and fitted suits, one mental health expert will be taking notes on the relationship behavior the contestants . Diane Strachowski, EdD, a licensed cognitive behavioral psychologist and couples therapist, […]
How to Stay Safe in a Storm

Sept. 22, 2022 — Sonia Chavez was on the balcony of her midrise Dallas apartment when the unthinkable happened: As she was filming a thunderstorm with her cellphone, lightning struck her in a flash of blinding light and searing heat that knocked her off her feet. The thunderbolt, which Chavez captured on film, damaged her […]
Desperate Long COVID Patients Turn to Unproven Alternative Therapies

Editor’s note: Find more information about long COVID in Medscape’s Long COVID Resource Center. Sept. 22, 2022 – Entrepreneur Maya McNulty, 49, was one of the first victims of the COVID-19 pandemic. The Schenectady, NY, businesswoman spent 2 months in the hospital after catching the disease in March 2020. That September, she was diagnosed with […]
Are Transgender People at Risk of Breast Cancer?

People of all genders can get breast cancer, so it’s important for trans men and trans women to consider that as part of their health care. “Anyone who has breast tissue could potentially or theoretically develop breast cancer,” says Fan Liang, MD, medical director of the Center for Transgender Health at Johns Hopkins Medicine in […]
Modified Purple Tomato May Be Coming to Your Grocery Store

Sept. 23, 2022 — No matter how you slice it, a genetically engineered purple tomato just got one step closer to showing up in U.S. grocery stores. The U.K. company developing the new purple fruit has passed a first test with U.S. regulators, demonstrating that genetic changes to the tomatoes do not expose the plants […]